Security Integration


This powerful tool allows companies to sell their products and services online, reach new markets, and connect with customers more intentionally.

But with this power comes responsibility – responsibility to keep the platform secure.

Digital Gate’s Backoffice security feature allows our clients to secure their eCommerce storefronts by requiring users to log in with a username and password. This ensures that only authorized users can access the platform and helps to keep sensitive data safe.

The setup is quick, easy, and effortless on the part of our clients given this is already an add-on that comes with our service.

If you are responsible for an eCommerce platform, make sure you understand all of the security features available to you. By taking advantage of this internal add-on, you can help to keep your marketplace safe and secure.


Our solution


Our solution


Our solution


By taking advantage of these security features, you do not need an agency to implement coding to develop the necessary pages for a safe and secure eCommerce platform.

Digital Gate can keep the personal information of your eCommerce customers safe and secure by encrypting the connection between the customer and your website. 

Our back office security feature is a simple setup. The username and password log-in feature ensures the confidentiality of your eCommerce platform. We have a ready-to-use add-on that allows us to manage the authorization of your app via the back office.

From the loss of sales to a demolished reputation, not prioritizing the confidentiality of your customers can lead to a strong decrease in business success. By taking advantage of the security features available in SAP Commerce Cloud, businesses can help to protect their customers and themselves from significant loss and detrimental damage to their brand.

We protect your eCommerce platform from unauthorized user entry by requiring a pre-approved login. This helps to keep sensitive data safe from prying eyes. Our expert team can offer professional support by helping your business utilize this add-on.

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